27 février 2006

Le temps des livres est arrivé

La semaine dernière j'ai pu assister à un entretien très intéressant chez la livrairie/atelier Passaporta, à Bruxelles, avec Tariq Ali, journaliste et réalisateur britannique d’origine pakistanaise (suivant suggestion de ma copine Tiina). Tariq Ali est un grand essayiste international et activiste en matière de migration, d’Islam et d’intégration culturelle. Dans un de ces livres les plus connus, The Clash of Fundamentalisms, paru en 2002, il compare le fondamentalisme religieux d’Al Qaida et le fondamentalisme du libéralisme économique nord-américain. La thèmatique étant aujourd'hui très actuelle, il est peut être intéressant de mieux s'informer sur la matière...

Voici quelques suggestions de livres sur la relation entre l'Ouest et le Moyen orient/Monde musulman, qui peuvent aider à mieux comprendre et à complémenter l'information véhiculée par les media:

- The clash of Fundamentalisms - Tariq Ali (Verso) (et d'autres du même auteur),
- L'orientalisme, L'Orient crée par l'Occident (Orientalism dans la version originale en anglais) - Edward W. Said (et d'autres du même auteur),
- Un siècle pour rien - Jean Lacouture, Ghassan Tuéni et Gérard Khoury (Albin Michel)
- Les identités meurtrières - Amin Maalouf (suivant suggestion de Tiina, spécialiste :-))

Modern dance: Pina Bausch

This weekend I had the chance to see two modern dance performances in Brussels: Pina Bausch Dance Theater and Rosas, the company of belgian choreographer Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker (which is the resident dance company at La Monnaie since 1992). Rosas presented two performances, "Raga for the rainy season" and "A love supreme" (2nd photo), but I have seen much better from Rosas, although A love Supreme, illustrating John Coltrane's music was very good. But Pina Bausch, with the performances of "Café Müller" and "Le sacré du printemps" (1st photo) - two choreographies I had never seen before, dating from 1975 and 1978 - showed yet again why she is one of my favourites. Her performances (and this time she actually danced herself) are more than just modern dance, they're also theater or cabaret, but always very special and creative, very passionate. It is amazing how she has been able to deliver such fantastic choreographies and creations, which have influenced many modern dance groups, for more than 30 years.

25 février 2006

Prime moments of bonheur...

Prime - the film

Happiness! Sometimes it just feels good to see a light, happy movie. And when it’s a film with two of my favourite north-american actresses (Meryl Streep and Uma Thurman – okay together with Holy Hunter and Julianne Moore) it’s a real greatness.

I would recommend the film “Prime” for a Friday evening to start well the weekend or for a Sunday evening to finish it even better. It must be said that the young cute actor Bryan Greenberg also helps to make these minutes agreable. The film is directed by Ben Younger, it is a character comedy set in New York. It's a relationship triangle between Rafi (Uma Thurman), a recently divorced gorgeous career woman from Manhattan, David (Bryan Greenberg) a talented young jewish would-be painter from from Brooklyn and his jewish therapist mother Lisa (Meryl Streep). And Uma Thurman is ravissante... Nearly a typical Woody Allen romantic comedy...

Enjoy it!

Brokeback Mountain

Ten good reasons to see “Brokeback Mountain

1/ A simple story: ”the love between two cowboys is no puppy love, but a scorching, lasting, tragic love that causes almost unbearable pain” (Niels Ruëll in Agenda #1022, Brussels). Based on a short novel by Annie Proulx, it tells the story of two young cowboys, Jack & Ennis, in Wyoming, USA, in the beginning of the 60ies. They fall in love with each other but life and society drive them apart. When they’ll get back together, years later, a look in the eyes is all that takes to reignite their passion.

Ang Lee: This director from Taiwan (island giving some excellent directors to cinema, see “Three times” by Hou Hsiao-Hsien out now) has directed quite some different movies, from “The Wedding Banquet” to “Eat Drink Man Woman”, “Sense and Sensibility” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. He has proved his excellence and style, but Brokeback Mountain is maybe his most “perfect” and accomplished film so far.

3/ The actors, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal: they complement each other wonderfully in the movie. The secret of the great impact of their performance is maybe that, as rather unknown actors –as two common people, not as stars, they really committed to the movie. Apparently, for different reasons, in particular for being afraid of taking the risk to play a gay role (yes, still in 2005) some well-know actors declined the role, as Brad Pitt. Too bad, maybe others will now get some Oscar… In particular I like Jake G. and if you have the chance, go see the outstanding Sam Mendes film “
Jarhead” about the absurdity of war (about the first Gulf war).

4/ A good screenplay - Annie Proulx and Larry McMurtry: Larry M. adapted the screenplay from a short novel by Annie Proulx. He gets to the soul of the region and the people. The story is quite hard and straightforward, sometimes nostalgic but always avoids falling into the sentimental, apparently less rough than the novel itself.

5/ A film about gays for straight people? The last scene is one of the most important. It’s not anymore about homosexuality of heterosexuality, but about love, universal feelings. We feel ourselves the pain of the characters.

6/ Brokeback Mountain becomes a moving argument against all those who do not allow others to pursue their happiness. It should absolutely be seen by all homophobes and pseudo-rough-cons.

7/ Brokeback Mountain has also marked a new era in the representation of homosexuality by the Hollywood cinema. What changes is not on only that this is a story about “universal love”. It’s not the fact that it is a “homosexual love story” that is new, Hollywood has already produced dozens, it’s the fact that it does not portray the usual “standard gays”, it doesn’t make any references to the “usual” gay codes and stereotypes. In fact, Jack and Ennis, are not gay, they’re just simple Americans, and hence another strength of this movie...

8/ Brokeback Mountain is a melodrama, a tragedy. And somehow, we spectators, do not like happy endings… we like to feel sorry for the poor others, it makes us feel our lives as less miserable. Here, Jack and Ennis were not allowed to live their love and be happy, and that’s what made them suffer. All they were allowed, all they got pleasure in, was sex.

9/ The secret that Jack and Ennis had to hide, was neither a question of taste nor of choice: for two young guys who discovered their homo-sexuality in the 60ies in the profound Midwest, it was a question of life and death. It still is, nowadays, in many places, and not only in the prairies and remote mountains of the USA. If you have doubts read “Farm boys – Lives of Gay men from the rural Midwest” by Will fellows (as read in Têtu, March06). Therefore, Ang Lee doesn’t tell people to hide, quite the opposite.

10/ The movie has already won several prizes, from
Venice to the Golden Globes to the British Baftas… and it has received eight nominations for the Oscars: so many people can’t be wrong…

17 février 2006

Opinion: Portugal and innovation

Portugal, leader for new technologies and innovation

The last couple of times I was in Portugal, I discovered a new innovation... and quite a practical and most welcome one! Driving into a car parking in the centre of Lisbon, I found the “Via verde” label… and I decided to try it. When driving in, I just pushed a button, the gate opened and I drove in. No ticket, nothing. At the end, I just drove through the “via verde “way out, just stopped two seconds, the gate opened and the amount to be paid was displayed. No tickets, no coins, nothing. Useless to say that from then on I always use the system, whenever it’s available, and it is now in most parkings I’ve seen.

Of course the system isn’t new… we’ve been using it for more than 10 years, maybe 15 already, in the highway tolls in Portugal. But you just have to install this little box in the front window of the car and when driving through the “via verde” tollgates, the payment will be automatically debited from your bank account. And this has been a unique integrated system covering all the toll highways in Portugal, some 2000 kms. That means that if you go in the motorway in Faro and only go out in Braga (some 750 kms), there is only one payment made at the end. And that was an innovative system at the time, when it started some 10/15 years ago. I do not know whether the parking system is being used elsewhere, but so far I have only seen it in Portugal. And I’m sure it could take ages before being used in Belgium…

But this is just a more recent example of technological and process innovation in Portugal. I remember I started using bank debit cards from cash dispensers (ATMs) more than twenty years ago in Portugal. At the time we didn’t have such a high density of cash dispensers as we have nowadays (and most are universal ones and can be used by all clients, national and international card owners!) but the density was then already higher than for instance in Brussels nowadays. And many of you know what I am talking about… In 1987 I went to study in Germany and they didn’t even know what an ATM was… By that time we already had phone cards to use in phone booths in Portugal, something unknown in Germany. Of course, using a credit card there was also nearly impossible in Germany at the time, unlike Portugal, but that wasn’t even an innovative thing at the time anymore.

Slowly they started to get some cash dispensers in Germany and other countries, usually faster than in Germany, I must say. Already by then I could get banknotes from Portuguese cash dispensers, with my German or Luxembourg bank card (Euro cheque at the time) – from every ATM. Which was difficult or impossible in Germany: in a city like Karlsruhe, of some 300,000 inhabitants, there was only 1 (yes, 1!!!) cash dispenser where it was possible to get cash with a foreigner EC card. Slowly things improved, luckily, but also in Portugal – where they were innovative in the creation of services that one could do from ATM – like buying theatre tickets, charge your cell phone, pay bills, etc…

But Portugal was also quite innovative as regards cell phones. The use of cell phones spread quite fast in Portugal and it was there that the pre-paid card system was invented and first used. Of course, we’d then re-charge the cards from ATMs, something which only was possible in other countries much later. Also 3G technology started there quite early, in 2004 already.

But the small country was also innovative for the creation of the “electronic-purse” and use of electronic debit payments. It’s been years that we have been paying parkings, subway tickets, etc, with electronic purse cards and/or the usual bank debit cards – EC, Maestro, bancontact, etc – the famous Multibanco system in Portugal.

These are some of the examples that show that Portugal has been quite ahead and innovative as regards certain new information and communication technologies, in particular for electronic paying systems, banking and cell phones.

I guess these are just some examples that testify to the innovative capacity of the country, which has in many respects developed faster than other countries. And not only as regards the services mentioned, also other services as the post, have developed quite well. This proves that there is a potential in Portugal to be competitive in new technological sectors and to be innovative. With the right approach to education and training, with the right solutions for financing new ideas and investments, Portugal could well become competitive in new technologies, increase e-commerce and e-business, intensifying the use of higher value-added technologies and internet products. That would also contribute to increase the country’s productivity.

At the same time Portugal boosts a very good level of infrastructure: good roads, some good railways (some to be improved), air connections (as long as a new efficient and modern airport will be available) and availability of large-band internet and telecommunications. This is combined with a great climate, a good location and at least two cities, which offer all services that a modern city can and should offer.

In the coming 10 years Portugal will be able to count with support from the European structural Funds. These funds will provide extensive funding for training that will allow fulfilling the country’s needs. Apart from contributing to finalise some hard infrastructure, as for instance some TEN(*) missing links, financial support will also be provided to intensify applied RTD activities, mostly for SMEs, for technology transfer, to support innovation in SMEs at process and product level. Also marketing and distribution capacities will have to be improved as well as the management skills and internationalisation capacity of SMEs. Portugal has good potential and capacity. Together with the right financing; training and education, the country will have a unique chance to improve productivity and make that economic structural change happen. Foreign investment will follow, as will job creation. All this seems easy and yet it is not. It depends, ultimately, in the will and the ambition from the Portuguese people. Will to reduce corruption, create a positive economic climate and make the right investment decisions and choices. Will to win, to overcome the country’s handicaps and win the competitive struggle, within Europe and in a global level. All the Portuguese have to do is believe. And work.

(*) Trans-European networks, in this case transport networks

11 février 2006

Architecture & design

And now for the "détente", for the pleasure... take a look at the new:
Hotel KUBE in Paris...

Article Le Monde (3)

Thomas Ferenczi (2)

Politique et société: journalisme

Thomas Ferenczi est un journaliste du journal Le Monde, depuis 1971. Il est né à l’Alger, en 1944, a été médiateur du Monde de 1996 à 1998 et est correspondant à Bruxelles depuis janvier 2003. Normalement je trouve ces articles dans le Monde très intéressants et opportuns. Voici le premier de ces articles, sur lequel j’aimerais attirer l’attention.

Le passé revisité
(article paru dans l'édition du 03.02.06 du Monde)

"Au moment où l'Europe en crise s'interroge avec inquiétude sur son avenir, la voici qui se penche avec empressement sur son passé, comme s'il lui fallait pour repartir commencer par se donner une mémoire commune. Les trois grandes tragédies qui ont marqué son histoire font ainsi l'objet d'une relecture critique, tandis que ses dirigeants, qui se sont réunis à Salzbourg autour du souvenir de Mozart, tentent de faire revivre l'esprit européen.
De ces trois tragédies, l'une, celle du nazisme, a servi de point de départ, au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, à la construction de l'Europe, fondée sur la volonté de paix et de réconciliation. En célébrant, le 27 janvier, la première Journée internationale de la mémoire de l'Holocauste, les Européens ont tenu à rappeler une fois de plus que l'apaisement ne signifie pas l'oubli.
La deuxième tragédie, celle du communisme, vient de provoquer la condamnation solennelle de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe, une institution qui s'est fait une spécialité de la défense des droits de l'homme. « Les régimes communistes totalitaires, qui étaient en place en Europe centrale et orientale au siècle dernier et qui existent toujours dans plusieurs pays du monde, ont été marqués sans exception par des violation s massives des droits de l'homme », souligne l'Assemblée.
La troisième tragédie, celle du colonialisme, est depuis peu au centre des débats en France, mais elle concerne la plupart des Etats d'Europe, la Grande-Bretagne, bien sûr, qui fut à la tête d'un immense empire, l'Espagne, le Portugal, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas ou encore, à un degré moindre, l'Allemagne et l'Italie. Chacun de ces pays conserve des liens avec ses anciennes colonies. La grande question de l'immigration, devenue pour l'Union européenne un sujet majeur, est l'héritage direct de cette période de l'histoire. Elle suscite en Europe une tardive prise de conscience.
L'Autriche, celle de Mozart, mais aussi, comme l'a rappelé Dominique de Villepin à Salzbourg, celle de Musil, de Klimt et de Freud, évoque l'Europe d'avant la « crise de l'humanité européenne », pour reprendre l'expression d'Edmond Husserl dans sa fameuse conférence de 1935 citée par le premier ministre français. De cette crise pouvait naître, selon le philosophe allemand, soit la chute dans la barbarie, soit la renaissance. Il faut donc revenir à ce tournant de l'histoire pour remettre l'Europe sur le bon chemin.
Le travail de mémoire doit permettre de mieux définir le socle de valeurs sur lequel est bâti le projet européen et de vérifier que celles-ci continuent d'unir les peuples d'Europe. Encore faut-il se garder de deux tentations. La première serait de transformer la culture commune des Européens en un système de dogmes auxquels nul ne saurait déroger sans encourir les foudres de la loi. Le réexamen du passé doit s'opérer sur le mode de la discussion contradictoire et accepter que s'affrontent des mémoires concurrentes avant qu'une mémoire collective ne se forme.
La seconde tentation serait de confondre les valeurs qui fondent l'unité de l'Europe et les politiques que celle-ci est appelée à conduire. Les leçons de l'histoire, telles que les propose le regard des Européens sur leur passé, peuvent servir de guides à l'action. Comme vient de le souligner le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Kofi Annan, « le souvenir est un garde-fou pour l'avenir ». Pour autant, il ne suffit pas à dessiner la voie à suivre.
En se remémorant les catastrophes dont elle a été responsable au siècle dernier, l'Europe se donne pour le futur quelques impératifs catégoriques, à commencer par le respect des droits de l'homme. Mais il lui reste à s'entendre sur la meilleure manière d'atteindre cette fin. C'est là que le débat politique reprend ses droits.”

10 février 2006

Nova Tunes 1.3 est arrivé!

Depuis des années que je collectionne réligieusement les compils de chez NOVA. La série Nova Tunes, avec des découvertes, directement des playlists de Radio Nova, ou bien alors la série Nova Classics ou encore des perles thématiques commes les dernières compils "In bed with Nova " ou "L-ektrik session". Mais cette dernière compil, Nova Tunes 1.3 (la 13ème donc) est vraiment excellente! pas besoin de sorties toutes fraiches quand on peut faire des compils comme celle-ci...

>>Dans les bureaux de la programmation de Radio Nova, jamais une rentrée ne nous avait paru aussi calme. Le retour de balancier d'une industrie du disque en crise depuis plusieurs années déjà ? Les labels trop occupés à restructurer et à limiter la casse en oublieraient-ils de sortir des (bons) disques ?
Ce constat établi, et quelque peu perturbés de ne plus crouler sous des tonnes de vinyles ou de CD, nous n'avons pas changé nos méthodes de travail. Fouiller, fouiner, et creuser toujours plus profond pour trouver la perle qui fera le son du Grand Mix...
Après quelques mois passés sur les platines, les oreilles collées aux enceintes, arrive donc le treizième volet des désormais fameuses Nova Tunes…Ô surprise ! La meilleure de toute la série ! Paradoxal... Hasard des sorties ou signe de l'assainissement du marché du disque gangrené ? On ose croire à la deuxième option, en espérant que ce grand cru 2005 vous régalera les pavillons et vous excitera les tympans...
Au programme, un tour du monde en 17 escales, dont la Suède, le Brésil, la Nouvelle-Zélande, l’Irlande, les Etats-Unis et Paris... A la croisée de la soul et du hip-hop, les sons "grande classe" de Radio City, One Self, Astrud Gilberto revisitée par RJD2, le très bouncy "Side to Side" des Californiens de Blackalicious, la mélancolie de Handsome Boy Modeling School et Jamie Lidell, beaucoup plus calme que pendant ses lives. La touche funky est assurée par des filles : Kinny & Horne, et la chaude voix d'Alice Russell

Track list

Alice Russell - Munkaroo
Vincent Van Go Go - Do U Know?
One Self - BlueBird
Radio City Feat Bajka - The Hop
Handsome Boy Modeling School Feat Cat Power - I've Been Thinking
Ready Made FC Feat Yael Naïm - The Ony One
Baxter Dury - Cocaine Man
Jamie Lidell - Game For Fools
Curumin - Vem Menina
Bumcello - Dalila
Fat Freddy’s Drop - Flashback
Astrud Gilberto - The Gentle Rain (RJD2 Remix)
Arthur H - Le Chercheur d’Or
Kinny & Horne - Why Me
Blackalicious with Lateef & Pigeon John - Side To Side
Republic of Loose - Come Back Girl
Aswefall - A Game We Play

>> what if?...

what if you met the right person for you this year? enjoy it

("what if" by Ken Pelspoel)

09 février 2006

People are People (Depeche Mode)

from the album "Some Great Reward" (1984)

People are people

So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
So we're different colours
And we're different creeds
And different people
Have different needs
It's obvious you hate me
Though I've done nothing wrong
I've never even met you
So what could I have done
I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand

People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
Help me understand
Help me understand
Now you're punching
And you're kicking
And you're shouting at me
And I'm relying on your common decency
So far it hasn't surfaced
But I'm sure it exists
It just takes a while to travel
From your head to your fist (head to your fists)
I can't understand what makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand

People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand

[thanks to Pedro Faria for providing this]

06 février 2006

Music: le nouveau D.I.R.T.Y. Diamonds est sorti!

D.I.R.T.Y Diamonds III (2CD)

Le troisième volume viens clôturer la série des compilations du Dirty Soundsytem (maison Diamondtraxx). Double cd de petites perles, comme d'ailleurs déjà les 2 compils précédentes. Avant-garde rétro pop, electro, classiques électro, déviance disco, etc., Dirty Diamonds III est une compilation spéciale, qui, comme le dit Colette, "assume ses partis pris et sa mauvaise foi avec passion". En avant première chez colette et sur son e-shop a partir du 7 Février avec un bonus cdmix exclusif du Dirty Sound System.

1 Flash And The Pan : Walking in the rain
2 The Earlies : Morning Wonder
3 Wilco : Spiders
4 Animal collective : Leaf House
5 Brooks : Red Tape
6 Robert Wyatt : Shrinkrap
7 Caribou : Bees
8 Turzi : Derrick Starter
9 Kevin Ayers : Soon soon soon
10 Margo Guryan : California Shake
11 Mazzy Star : She's my baby
12 Herman Dune : Smalltown boy

1 Francois De Roubaix : Plongée De Glace
2 Cristian Vogel : Somewhere In The Waters We Will Find You
3 The Emperor Machine : How To Build A Super Computer
4 Soft Cell : So (Extended)
5 Supermax : Lovemachine
6 Isolée : Enrico
7 Nico : Afraid
8 Ennio Morricone : Symphonie Pour L'attentat
9 Skeeter Davis : The End Of The World

Pour info: Colette ou Diamondtraxx

05 février 2006

European Parliament adopted resolution on homophobia in Europe

The European Parliament recently adopted a resolution on homophobia in Europe (19/01/2006) . The EP voted with great majority - 468 in favour, 149 against and 41 abstentions. The resolution strongly condemns any discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. It calls on Member States to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals are protected from homophobic hate speech and violence and ensure that same-sex partners enjoy the same respect, dignity and protection as the rest of society.
It is not the first time the EP has passed resolutions to protect the rights of LGBT persons and this last resolution comes as an answer to a trend in some of the new member states which have passed homophobic laws or prevented gays from freely gathering aand demonstrating.
Read more at Ilga's website.

UN: U.S. votes with Iran, Cuba, Sudan and Zimbabwe

UN - LGBT Groups not desirable at the UN
U.S. votes with Iran, Cuba, Sudan and Zimbabwe

We already knew how political interests and hypocrisy can determine actions by most governments, even from democratic states. When it's not convenient they can pass resolutions against certain countries, even declare war to their "enemies", but when it is convenient they can sell guns, provide military support or even... vote with them at the UN.

Recently, the U.S. has voted with Iran, Cuba, Sudan, Zimbabwe and other "democratic" states against two gay groups organizations' applications to join the United Nations Economic and Social Council, as reported by ILGA.

from Ilga's website:
>> "Apparently Iran, which President Bush has deemed part of the 'Axis of Evil,' is a suitable partner when it comes to discriminating against gay people."— Matt Foreman, executive director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
On January 23 last, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (USA) denounced the United States' vote against two gay rights organizations' applications to join the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The United States joined the repressive, anti-gay regimes of Iran, Zimbabwe, China, Cameroon and others in voting against even granting a hearing to the application of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) and the Danish Association of Gays and Lesbians (Landsforeningen for Bosser og Lesbiske — LBL). Instead, the two groups' applications were summarily dismissed without a hearing. "It is an absolute outrage that the United States has chosen to align itself with tyrants — all in a sickening effort to smother the voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people around the world," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "The governments of Iran and Zimbabwe are among the most repressive anti-gay regimes in the world. President Mugabe of Zimbabwe has long scapegoated and persecuted gay men and lesbians. The recently-elected president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has overseen an anti-gay campaign in recent months, in which many young people accused of homosexual acts have been executed. Also leading the charge against the application of the two gay groups was Egypt, which has persecuted gay men in recent years."The Task Force thanks the International Lesbian and Gay Association, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Human Rights Watch for their efforts to promote pro-gay policies at the United Nations," Foreman said. "It is repugnant that the self-proclaimed 'leader of the free world' will align itself with bigots and tyrants at the drop of a hat to advance the right wing's virulently anti-gay agenda."The Bush-Cheney administration has also opposed women's and children's rights treaties, sex education, contraception and family planning in international forums.Today's vote to summarily dismiss the applications of ILGA and LBL was as follows, according to ILGA: Yes: Cameroon, China, Cuba, Iran, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sudan, United States of America, Zimbabwe No: Chile, France, Germany, Peru, Romania; Abstention: Colombia, India, Turkey Not present: Ivory Coast.Three years ago, the United States abstained from voting on a sexual orientation nondiscrimination resolution offered by Brazil via the U.N. Human Rights Commission. <<

read more at the ILGA's website

02 février 2006

>>> playlist january - february 06

ces disques (albums et maxis) tournent chez moi...
a música que ouço...

TIGA "Sexor" album
KATE WAX "Killing your ghost"
CHET BAKER "Let`s get lost"
CAT POWER "The greatest" track & album
COLDCUT "Man in a garage - Lemon Jelly mix"
BJÖRK “jóga remixes”
JOSE GONZALEZ “Heartbeats”
GOMMA GANG 3 – mixed by Munk - album
ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI "In case we die” album
“Bossa n’ Stones” - various - album made in argentina
MOONBOTICA feat. IAMX "pretty little angel"
LOU REED "Perfect day"
SUEDE "so young"

Top films 2005

et voilà, maintenant le tour au cinéma / e chegou a vez do top cinema
Mon top des films vus en 2005 - au cinéma / os melhores filmes que vi em 2005 no cinema
(ordre alphabétique):

A history of violence, USA, David Cronenberg
Batalla en el cielo, MEX, Carlos Reygadas
Before sunset, USA/FR, Richard Linklater
Be with me, Singapore, Eric Khoo
Bin-Jip , South Korea, Ki-duk Kim
Broken Flowers, USA, Jim Jarmusch
Crash, USA, de Paul Haggis
Garden State, USA, Zach Bratt
Le Temps qui reste, France, de François Ozon
Mysterious skin, USA, Gregg Araki
My summer of love, UK, Pawel Pawlikovsky
Paradise Now, Palestine, Hany Abu-Assad

Peindre ou faire l'amour, France, Arnaud et Jean-Marie Larrieu
Princesas, España, Fernando Léon de Aranoa

The life Aquatic, USA, Wes Anderson
The Secret Life of Words, España, Isabel Coixet
Turtles can fly, Iran, Bahman Ghobadi