27 février 2007

Music: Scarlett & Justin episode 1

Scarlett Johansson is the cherry of the cake, starring in the new video clip of Justin Timberlake (What goes around). It seems that the clip is already a big success in the net, whereas it has not officially come out yet – it is expected to be out on March 3. But it is maybe less the quality of the song than the clip itself (and Scarlett’s presence) that explains this success... Justin and Scarlett (who are said to be having an affair, now that Scarlett has left cutie Josh) offer hot scenes in the video, which has already been seen by some 1.5 million people in Internet. There are three versions of the video, one of three minutes intended for television, this one of nine minutes available in the web and a thirty minute one which is not yet available. Vive le ‘marketing’… and Scarlett Johansson! and send Josh Hartnett to comfort him…

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