US President Barack Obama has failed to condemn Israel over Gaza ship attack. Apparently he considered that there was not enough evidence to condemn Israel. Shame on him. When Mr Obama won the US elections in November 2008 and came to power, there was a wave of hope around the world. The world hoped that, in what seemed to be a new enlightened and impartial understanding of the world and geopolitics, Mr Obama could decisively contribute for world peace, by unblocking certain situations, namely the Israeli-Palestinian crisis. One and a half years later and having received a Nobel peace prize in the meantime, Mr Obama has failed to deliver and to fulfil the expectations. So far not only nothing has been done to put Israel and Palestina back on track towards peace, but the situation has even worsened, because Israel doesn’t comply with any international law, with any rules. Yet Mr Obama had good reasons and justifications to condemn Israel, as half of the world has and as the world expected.
The question is whether Mr Obama considers that it is normal and acceptable according to international law, that a state attacks several ships in international waters, kills a dozen civilians and injures tens? And, according to witnesses, deliberately killed these people, not in self defence? Has Mr Obama forgotten that Israel has imposed a blockade to the Gaza territory since 2007 (with complacency from the rest of the world) when it does not have any jurisdiction over the territory, which it occupies? Has Mr Obama forgotten that Israeli troops have invaded the same territory last year and killed some 1,300 people (in justification for some 12 people killed by Palestinian rocket attacks)? Has Mr Obama ignored that Israel kills several Palestinian civilians every week (sometimes it seems all the people there are terrorists and Hamas activists… one wonders why), in total disrespect for law and international rules? Has Mr Obama forgotten that hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, were killed with Israel’s participation in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, in 1982? Does Mr Obama ignore the daily humiliation and oppression that the Palestinian population of Gaza and the west bank suffer daily in their land? (a friend was recently there in a delegation of the EP and was scandalised with the way Palestinians are treated).
Does Mr Obama consider normal and not condemnable that Israel, after invading the ships, takes some 700 people by force to Israel and obliges them to sign unacceptable declarations to expel them out of the country?
No Mr Obama, you cannot ignore all these facts and you should not forget History. According to Argentinean newspaper pagina12, already 87 years ago, Revisionist Zionism ideologue Ze'ev Jabotinsky, declared that the only way to impose the Jewish state was to crush the Arabs. No wonder then, when Ron Torossian, organizer of the demonstration in front of the Turkish Mission to the UN, “We are with Israel” said "I think we should kill a hundred Arabs or a thousand Arabs for every Jew they kill" (/ /, 1610). Well, why not a hundred thousand, a million, then? Do you agree to this? Or don’t you think it should be condemned? Well, without strong world opposition and action from real democratic nations, I fear that might soon happen.
And Mr Obama, by not condemning Israel firmly, by not obliging Israel to follow international law and sit for peace talks instead, not only you are failing to contribute to world peace, the US is being an accomplice of Israel’s terrorist agenda.. As usual, the US is providing the international backup and space for Israel’s oppression and terror policy, with the excuse to support "the only democracy in the region". Yet instead the US is promoting world terrorism. And there is no democracy in Israel anymore.
Mr Obama, a simple clarification of the facts isn’t enough and there must be an international independent investigation commission, not one controlled by Israel. Are you naïf? Or making fools of us? Or do you consider that the ten Americans travelling with the convoy of humanitarian aid to Gaza, including Joe Meadors (signalman on the USS Liberty, bombarded by Israeli planes and torpedo boats in 1967), Ann Wright (Colonel of the US Army) and Edward L. Peck (former deputy director of counter-terrorism task force of Reagan's cabinet) were all terrorists as well and deserved punishment?
On top of this, Israel does not even respect the US, they believe they are above everything, untouchable. That is why they have also fooled Vice President Joe Biden, who has also been defending the blockade of Gaza and said that Israel "had the right to know what cargo the ship carried”. Remember when he went to Israel, supposedly to encourage the peace process, last March and your friend Mr Netanyahu announced the construction of 1600 new buildings in Palestinian occupied territory? That was a slap in the face… but it seems Mr Biden has a short memory, after all.
The truth is it doesn’t matter whether it’s Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama or whoever sits in the White House, the truth is no changes will occur in the blind support from the US to Israel’s policy, no matter who is in the government there, no matter the atrocities committed by Israel’s government and military. I don’t expect any changes, but I would expect some honesty… at least be honest and do not pretend to promote peace in the Middle East. Ah, and be consequent, return you Nobel peace prize.
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