20 décembre 2006

Citizenship: Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia

On 18 December 2006, the EUMC launched two new publications on Islamophobia in the EU.
The report “Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia” published presents available data on discrimination affecting Muslims in employment, education and housing. Manifestations of Islamophobia range from verbal threats through to physical attacks on people and property. The report stresses that the extent and nature of discrimination and Islamophobic incidents against European Muslims remain under-documented and under-reported. The EUMC report recommends therefore that Member States improve the reporting of incidents and implement measures to counter discrimination and racism more effectively. The report also includes initiatives and proposals for policy action by EU Member State governments and the European institutions to combat Islamophobia and to foster integration.

The report shows that a lot remains to be done to ensure that european muslims benefit from the same rights to have equal treatment and the same quality of life as other europeans.

Read further in the EUMC website.

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