28 octobre 2006

Poem: "Here's to life" - song by Shirley Horn

Here’s to life


No complaints and no regrets
I still believe in chasing dreams
And placing bets
But I have learnt that all you give
Is all you get
So give it all you’ve got.

I had my share, I drank my fill
And even though I’m satisfied, I’m hungry still
To see what’s down another road, beyond the hill
And do it all again

So here’s to life
And every joy it brings
So here’s to life
To dreamers and their dreams

It’s funny how the time just flies
How a love can go from warm hellos to sad goodbyes
And leave you the memories you’ve memorised
To keep your winters warm

For there’s no yes in yesterday
And who knows what tomorrow brings or takes away
as long as I am still in the game
I want to play, for laughs, for life, for love

So here’s to life
And every joy it brings
So here’s to life
To dreamers and their dreams

May all your storms be weathered
And all that’s good get better
Here’s to life,

here’s to love,

here’s to you


check the song here:


Politique: Brasil/Lula: le mal moindre ou la continuation de l'espoir?

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula), se maintient en tête des sondages réalisés au Brésil, la veille du second tour des élections. Lula (du Parti des Travailleurs, PT) réuni 61% des intentions de vote, contre 39% pour le candidat du Parti de la Social-Démocratie Brésilienne (PSDB), Geraldo Alckmin. Après un premier tour décevant pour Lula, il semble plus que jamais proche d’assurer la victoire aux présidentielles, malgré des scandales de corruption et les coups de théâtre préélectoraux. Lula qui affirmait récemment lors d’un comice électoral "je connais vos problèmes, je sais ce qu’il est de chercher du boulot pendant un an et demi, j’ai déjà été comme vous, sans argent».

Il y a quatre ans, l’élection de Lula a représenté un espoir, non seulement pour les brésiliens mais pour toute l’Amérique latine et le monde. Mais, après quatre ans de pouvoir, qu’ont Lula est le PT fait pour les brésiliens, quels ont été les résultats de leurs promesses ? Méritent ils un deuxième mandat?

Coté économie, Lula a su calmer les marchés financiers du Brésil et le capital investisseur, qui craignaient l’arrivée de la gauche au pouvoir. L’ex-syndicaliste a gagné leur confiance (certains disent qu’il s’est allié au capital et au pouvoir économique…) et suivi la politique financière orthodoxe de son prédécesseur, Cardoso. Malgré tout la croissance économique est restée modeste, ne passant de 0,5% en 2003 qu'à seulement 2,3% en 2005, trop peu pour un géant économique comme le Brésil qui a besoin d’une grande croissance créatrice d’emploi pour les millions de chômeurs. Le chômage a quand même diminué entre 2003 et 2005, de 9,73% à 9,3% (mais cette période a aussi été une période de croissance mondiale). Lula a quand même crée plus d’emplois en trois ans et demi que Cardoso en huit (les cycles économiques l’ont bénéficié), mais beaucoup moins que les 10 millions qu’il avait promis.

Coté politique de cohésion sociale et de redistribution, les choses se sont améliorées, mais pas encore assez. Il faudra encore prouver si les améliorations introduites n’ont été que purement esthétiques et anesthésiques plutôt que structurelles et durables. Entre 2003 et 2005 la pauvreté s’est réduite de 26,7% à 22,7% (% de la population sous le seuil de pauvreté), encore environ un quart de la population. Et les inégalités sociales et économiques au Brésil restent toujours parmi les plus grandes de la planète – les 10% plus riches détiennent environ 45% des revenus, tandis que les 50% plus pauvres n’ont que 14% du revenu du pays. Selon les analystes, pour redistribuer effectivement il faudra des changements structurels que le gouvernement de Lula n’a pas osé faire, il faudra affronter les banques, les grands propriétaires de la terre et le capital. Les banques (comme partout d’ailleurs) ont vu leurs profit s’accroître, et les latifondiaires ne sont pas inquiets…

La réforme agraire, pourtant drapeau électoraliste de Lula, n’a pas vraiment avancé. Même si le gouvernement affirme avoir distribué des terres à quelques 206.000 familles, la plupart de ces terres se trouvent en Amazonie, sans infrastructures ni services publics, dans les pires régions du pays. Le problème a été contourné, donc. D’un autre coté il semble que le gouvernement a augmenté beaucoup le crédit à l’agriculture familiale, ce qui est positif. Quatre ans c'est aussi trop peu pour changer radicalement les politiques, sans bouleversements majeurs.

Mais alors, qu’a fait Lula pour plaire à ce quart de la population le plus pauvre, garantissant leurs votes ? Le gouvernement a créé un programme d’aide sociale financière directe aux familles les plus démunies, la bourse famille (bolsa família), une sorte de revenu minimum. Avec ce programme (le principal programme social du gouvernement) une aide moyenne de 61 reais (environ 22 Euros) est accordée par mois à quelques 11 millions de foyers qui vivent sous le seuil de la pauvreté. Ceci permet à beaucoup de gens, surtout dans le pauvre et très peuplé Nordeste, avec de familles nombreuses, d’avoir au moins un repas par jour. Cette bourse ne coûte pas cher – seulement 0,5% du PIB brésilien – a le mérite d’aider les pauvres et surtout de garantir une partie substantielle des votes [heureusement que le vote au Brésil n’est pas encore proportionnel au revenu moyen des citoyens…]. Mais, le grand défi est de donner à cette partie de la population les moyens de s’en émanciper, de trouver ou créer un emploi. Et ça reste le grand défi du gouvernement Lula pour les quatre années à venir. Je n’oublie pas une scène vue à la télévision il y a quelques jours, je crois que dans la ville de S. Paulo : des foules de gens qui faisaient la queue et « luttaient » pour arriver les premiers et postuler pour quelques postes de caissière ou quelque chose d’équivalent… du jamais vu.

Ce que le Brésil a vraiment besoin est d’une politique de cohésion économique et sociale à l’image de celle qu’a l’Union Européenne. Cette politique a le mérite non seulement de redistribuer la richesse, en quelque sorte, les richesses des régions les plus riches vers les plus pauvres, mais de le faire en aidant à créer les conditions structurelles pour que ces régions se développent et créent des emplois elles mêmes. Il ne s’agit seulement pas de donner du poisson, mais d’aider à apprendre à pecher… Et coté régions, le Brésil a aussi d’énormes disparités, le sud étant nettement plus riche que le nord et le Nord-est (Nordeste). L’état de S. Paulo, par exemple, qui n’a que 21,5% de la population, représente à lui seul plus de 40% du PIB brésilien.

Coté égalité des chances, le gouvernement a aussi fait quelque chose, créant le Secrétariat Spécial de Politiques pour la Femme, un des premiers projets de Lula, responsable de l'augmentation du salaire et de la participation des femmes dans le marché de travail. Selon données de l'Institut Brésilien de Géographie et de Statistique, en 2001 il y aurait environ 35 millions de femmes économiquement actives, total qui est monté à environ 40 millions en 2004. Lula a aussi lancé la Central de Atendimento à Mulher (centrale d’aide à la femme), une ligne téléphonique gratuite qui aide les victimes de violence domestique pendant 24 heures (problème grave au Brésil). Et finalement la Loi Maria da Penha a été approuvée, qui détermine la prison de trois mois à trois ans pour agression à la femme et annule toute procurations au nom des conjoints.

Si coté corruption, les choses n’ont pas été brillantes, avec plusieurs scandales de détournement de fonds (souvent pour le financement du parti de Lula, le PT), plusieurs collaborateurs de Lula ayant été accusés et mis en prison, rien n’a jamais été trouvé contre Lula lui-même. Comme le mentionne des analystes, au moins aujourd’hui la corruption est investiguée ce qui n’était pas le cas avant, et puis tous les partis la pratiquent… L’exemple de la Suède est encore loin, où les ministres sont obligés de démissionner quand ils ont "oublié" de payer l’impôt de télévision…

Coté politique internationale, Lula a suivi un peu l’exemple de la politique économique, manoeuvrant sagement entre les différentes eaux et courants… assumant certes une indépendance et ton critique vis à vis de l’administration nord-américaine de Bush, participant activement au mouvement des non-alignés, mais restant assez low-profile et très pragmatique, au contraire d’autres leaders sud-américains comme Hugo Chavez ou son voisin Evo Morales. Tout récemment Lula a même tenu a affirmer son indépendance et voie unique, en quittant diplomatiquement l’appui à la candidature du Venezuela au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies et en exigeant un traitement correct et faisant pratiquement un ultimatum au gouvernement Bolivien, au sujet de l’entreprise brésilienne Petrobras (investisseur dans le pétrole et gaz naturel), que Morales menaçait de nationaliser.

Lula gagnera très probablement les élections de dimanche, mais il aura une grande responsabilité et opportunité unique envers le peuple brésilien. On verra dans quatre ans, ce que Lula et son PT auront fait de ce capital d’espoir…

On espère que ce ne soit que des "cuentos chinos", comme le décrit Andrés Oppenheimer, dans son livre "Cuentos Chinos, el engaño de Washington, la mentira populista y la esperanza de América latina" (Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2005). Dans ce livre il se demande si les nouveaux régimes de gauche en Amérique latine réussissent vraiment à réduire la pauvreté et améliorer les conditions de vie de la population ou si, par contre, ces gouvernement s ne font que raconter des histoires de Chine… (mensonges…). Mais il reste plutôt positif.

Espérons que la phrase que cite Oppenheimer dans son livre ne se vérifie pas: "le Brésil est le pays du futur, et il le restera toujours".

Music: TRACKLIST October 06

Album of the month:

Trentemøller – “The last resort”
With this double cd, danish musician Anders Trentemøller walks his own path away from the pokerflat label where he started with a remix for Royksopp. The first CD is instrumental electronic music with an atmospheric and organic taste, evoluting from the previous electro-minimal Trentemøller’s work. Yet, tracks like “Polar Shift’, ‘Rykketid’ and ‘Killer Kat’ may make you feel like dancing. This reminds a bit of Nathan Fake but is less techno and more dancefloor. A great CD which is to be listened in one long go. The second CD has some remixes and different versions.
"Anders Trentemøller has taken the underground scene by storm over the last few months with such incredible tracks as 'Beta Boy', 'Polar Shift' and 'Sunstroke', not to mention his remixes of artists ranging from The Knife and Yoshimoto through to the Pet Shop Boys. He's become one of the leading producers in a considerably short space of time, and now is due to release his debut artist album 'The Last Resort' on Poker Flat. Due for release in October, and preceded by lead single 'Always Something Better', this is one to mark on the calender as it is definitely not to be missed." >>> http://www.progressive-sounds.com/features/Trentemoller-The-Last-Resort.asp

Other albums:

– “The Green Armchair”
Ame... Mixing – “various”
Burial – “Burial”
Hey Willpower – “P.D.A.”
Lindstrøm – “It's a Feedelity Affair”
Luomo – “Paper Tigers”
Mummer – “SoulOrganismState”
Radio Slave – “Creatures of the Night”
Rub-n-Tug –“Better With A Spoonful Of Leather - aNYthing Mix Volume II”
Secret Love 3 Compiled By Jazzanova & Resoul - compilation
Small Sins & Thomas D'Arcy – “Small sins”
TM Juke – “Forward”

Track of the month:

Ooze & Ooze feat. Tishk – “Random Wondrous Things”

Other tracks of the months:

Âme – “Rej (Original Club Mix)”
Bertine Zetlitz – “Midnight”
Black Devil Disco Club – The devil in us”
Chica and the Folder – “I’ll come running”
Dark Globe featuring Boy George – “Atom”
François Dubois – “Blood (Original Mix)”
Grandadbob – “Pictures (Naughty Dub)”
Hey Willpower - “Phenomenon”
Liebe*Detail 13 – “Liebe*Detail 13”
Ludovic Vendi – “Hectorine (Alland Byallo Remix)”
Lushlife – “smile”
Mai – “Snowing downtown”
Martin Buttrich – “Full clip”
Micah P. Hinson & Viva Voce – “Pleasant Street”
Michoacan – “2 Bullets”
Moby – “Go (Trentemøller remix)”
Oliver Huntemann & Stephan Bodzin – “37 Grad (Arnaud Rebotini's Blackstrobe Remix)” Phonique – “River (Robert Babicz Remix)”
Putsch '79 – “kisses”
TM Juke - "Life, Rain, Fall"


Modo Bruxellae parcours de stylistes 2006: from 27 to 29 October 2006
The Brussels fashion scene is growing. Though still not as well known as Antwerp, Brussels has also scored recently as a creative fashion center. The arrival of the so-called fashion movement of the “Antwerp Six” - Ann Demeulemeester, Walter van Beirendonck, Dirk van Saene, Marina Yee, Dirk Bikkemberg and Dries van Noten, all graduates of the Antwerp Fashion Academy - nearly 20 years ago, together with Martin Margiela, placed Belgium on the global fashion map.

Modo Bruxellae was born ten years ago as a showcase to raise awareness for Brussels’ fashion designers. By then Brussels wasn’t known as a fashion center, yet it already had talented designers like Olivier Strelli, Delvaux, Donaldson and others. With new talents coming out of designer school La Cambre, shops started opening and selling works by local designers, like the shop “Stijl” in 1984 in Rue Antoine Dansaert. That also boosted the local fashion scene and they would be followed by other shops in the area. Still today fashion victims move around the La Bourse area - around Rue Dansaert and Rue Léon Lepage.

“Modo Bruxellae’s job is to work alongside this organic growth to give it direction and make sure that the talent keeps on emerging. More designers than ever are choosing to set up shop in the city and a distinct fashion network is developing. La Cambre Mode is the city’s foremost visual arts college and generates the most widely recognised designers. “When speaking about fashion in Belgium, people tend to only mention Antwerp, but nowadays a lot of young designers from La Cambre are becoming as influential as their Flemish counterparts”. The best know case is that of José Enrique Oña Selfa, who worked for Spanish luxury brand Loewe for their womens’ collection, while fellow colleague Laetitia Crahay designs jewellery for Chanel and is also head designer at Delvaux. Olivier Theyskens became famous when Madonna wore one of his outfits. (…)”

The purpose of Modo Bruxellae is to generate business for the city’s fashion market. This includes the promotion of different events – including catwalk shows, exhibitions, award shows and stock sales – and also aims to engage the public as well. One of the most interesting and creative events is the annual designer trails, which invite local designers to display their clothing in various unexpected locations.

26 octobre 2006

Cinema: AzulOscuroCasiNegro / DarkBlueAlmostBlack

Si el color de tu vida no te gusta... actúa! rebélate!

Cinema: Festival Cinémas d’Espagne et d’Amérique Latine de Bruxelles

Le 14ème Festival Cinémas d’Espagne etd’Amérique Latine de Bruxelles (FestCEAL), un classique déjà, aura lieu du 6 au 21 novembre à Bruxelles.
Le Festival est un rendez-vous incontournable des cinéphiles bruxellois et attire presque 20.000 spectateurs chaque année. Il présente un échantillon assez représentatif des productions plus (et moins) récentes d’Espagne et d’Amérique Latine (Brésil inclus), cinématographies pas très présentes (ou pas assez) en Belgique. Il faut dire qu’il permet de voir des films moins commerciales qu’on n’aurait jamais l’occasion de voir en Belgique.
La quatorzième édition a sélectionné plus de 80 films, avec un programme spécifique pour le cinéma brésilien cette année.

Parmi les fims présentés, "Babel", qui a gagné récemment à Cannes - Prix de la mise en scène - (du Mexicain Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu et avec Gael García Bernal, Brad Pritt et Cate Blanchett), "El Laberinto del Fauno" (du Mexicain Guillermo del Toro avec Sergi López et Maribel Verdú), "Bordertown" (un film tourné à Ciudad Juárez au Mexique et interprété par Antonio Banderas et Jennifer López), "Iberia" (dernier film du réalisateur espagnol Carlos Saura), "Azuloscurocasinegro", (film espagnol primé au festival de Malaga). Au niveau de la programmation, la traditionnelle section officielle en compétition proposera désormais cinq sections, Section Cinémas d’Espagne, Section Cinémas d’Amérique latine, Section Espagne tout court, Documentaires d’Espagne et Documentaires d’Amérique Latine.

Le Festival contribue aussi à renforcer le processus de collaboration entre l’Europe et l’Amérique latine, accueillant le seul marché de longs métrages organisé en Belgique, les 9èmes Rencontres de l’Industrie Audiovisuelle, ENIFILM.

Cinema: 1er Festival du Film Arabe de Bruxelles

Le premier Festival du Film Arabe de Bruxelles est organisé du 25 au 30 octobre, au cinéma Vendôme. Selon les organisateurs "Nous voulons donner aux réalisateurs la possibilité de présenter leur oeuvre et d'éveiller la curiosité du public, de lui faire découvrir d'autres modes de vie et d'autres philosophies en mettant l'accent sur le dialogue interculturel. Nous voulons élargir l'horizon culturel des gens quelle que soit leur origine et donner au monde contemporain une perception objective et tolérante des cultures et des racines des gens originaires du monde arabe". Occasion pour voir par exemple "Le grand voyage", qui est déjà passé dans le circuit commercial à Bruxelles.
Ce premier festival rend aussi hommage à la femme réalisatrice et prévoit des rencontres autour de quelques thèmes concernant la femme.

[lu dans le magazine "cinema: se distraire à bruxelles]

22°C à Bruxelles ce jeudi !

Ce jeudi à Bruxelles (Uccle) le thermomètre a grimpé jusqu'à 22°C. Selon Meteoservices à Louvain, le dernier record du 26 octobre vient d'être brisé puisqu'il s'élevait à 21,8°C et datait de 1913! Et il a fait non seulement doux, il y avait du soleil... Quelle différence par rapport aux tempêtes, pluie et vent qui se faisaient sentir en Espagne...
Il se peut même que le mois d'octobre constitue un record à Bruxelles... en tout cas ce sera bien au dessu de la moyenne.
Eh oui, le temps n'est plus ce qu'il était... moi je me réjoui, une Belgique plus chaude ce n'est pas si mal que ça, si on peut s'asseoir en terrasse! Mais bon, 26 jours de pluie un mois d'août c'est pas bien non plus (et quelles pluies)... le problème c'est que le climat, en Belgique et ailleurs, passe des extrêmes aux autres extrêmes... de la secheresse à la pluie, de la chaleur au froid... eh bien, avec le réchauffement de la planète... Bruxelles pourrait bientôt avoir une plage! Voilà de quoi se réjouir... Moi je cherche déjà à acheter un bon terrain avec vue de mer. Je cherche seulement l'altitude la plus convenable... 50 metres? 70?...
Et puis tant puis pour le Pays Bas, le Bangladesh, Nauru, les Maldives...

23 octobre 2006

Poem: Boris Vian's "Je voudrais pas crever"

...et puis qu'on y est, je vous laisse une de mes poésies favorites, de Boris Vian:

Je voudrais pas crever
Avant d'avoir connu
Les chiens noirs du Mexique
Qui dorment sans rêver
Les singes à cul nu
Dévoreurs de tropiques
Les araignées d'argent
Au nid truffé de bulles
Je voudrais pas crever
Sans savoir si la lune
Sous son faux air de thune
A un coté pointu
Si le soleil est froid
Si les quatre saisons
Ne sont vraiment que quatre
Sans avoir essayé
De porter une robe
Sur les grands boulevards
Sans avoir regardé
Dans un regard d'égout
Sans avoir mis mon zobe
Dans des coinstots bizarres
Je voudrais pas finir
Sans connaître la lèpre
Ou les sept maladies
Qu'on attrape là-bas
Le bon ni le mauvais
Ne me feraient de peine
Si si si je savais
Que j'en aurai l'étrenne
Et il y a z aussi
Tout ce que je connais
Tout ce que j'apprécie
Que je sais qui me plaît
Le fond vert de la mer
Où valsent les brins d'algues
Sur le sable ondulé
L'herbe grillée de juin
La terre qui craquelle
L'odeur des conifères
Et les baisers de celle
Que ceci que cela
La belle que voilà
Mon Ourson, l'Ursula
Je voudrais pas crever
Avant d'avoir usé
Sa bouche avec ma bouche
Son corps avec mes mains
Le reste avec mes yeux
J'en dis pas plus faut bien
Rester révérencieux
Je voudrais pas mourir
Sans qu'on ait inventé
Les roses éternelles
La journée de deux heures
La mer à la montagne
La montagne à la mer
La fin de la douleur
Les journaux en couleur
Tous les enfants contents
Et tant de trucs encore
Qui dorment dans les crânes
Des géniaux ingénieurs
Des jardiniers joviaux
Des soucieux socialistes
Des urbains urbanistes
Et des pensifs penseurs
Tant de choses à voir
A voir et à z-entendre
Tant de temps à attendre
A chercher dans le noir
Et moi je vois la fin

Qui grouille et qui s'amène
Avec sa gueule moche
Et qui m'ouvre ses bras
De grenouille bancroche
Je voudrais pas crever

Non monsieur non madame
Avant d'avoir tâté
Le goût qui me tourmente
Le goût qu'est le plus fort
Je voudrais pas crever
Avant d'avoir goûté
La saveur de la mort...

Boris Vian

Poem: May you dream... / desejo-vos sonhos...

now the english version of Jacques Brel's lyrics (free translation):

May you never stop dreaming
and bear an untamed will to accomplish some.
May you love what must be loved
and forget what forgotten must be.
May you feel many passions.
May you enjoy many silences.
May you hear the singing of birds as you wake up

and the laughter of children.
May you never give up, resist indifference,

all the negative virtues of our times.
May you be yourself.

... e a versão em português ( tradução livre):

Desejo-vos sonhos sem fim
e a vontade indómita de realizar alguns.
Desejo que amem o que deve ser amado

e que esqueçam aquilo que dever ser esquecido.
Desejo-vos paixões.
Desejo-vos silêncios.
Desejo-vos cantos de pássaros ao despertar

e risos de crianças.
Desejo que nunca se acomodem, que resistam à indiferença,

e a todas os defeitos da nossa época.
Desejo-vos que sejam vocês mesmos.

Poem: je vous souhaite des rêves, des passions, de la force et de la chance

Je vous souhaite des rêves à n'en plus finir
et l'envie furieuse d'en realizer quelques-uns.
Je vous souhaite d'aimer ce qu'il faut aimer
et d'oublier ce qu'il faut oublier.
Je vous souhaite des passions.
Je vous souhaite des silences.
Je vous souhaite des chants d'oiseau au réveil
et des rires d'enfants.
Je vous souhaite de résister à l'enlisement, à l'indifference,
aux vertus négatives de notre époque.
Je vous souhaite d'être vous.
Jacques Brel / sans titre

[courtesy of sweet Helena]

(english translation to follow / tradução em português dentro de momentos)

22 octobre 2006

Cinema: Children of men

Set in Britain in 2027, the film "Children of Men" stars Clive Owen (as Theo) who plays an ex-activist, resigned to living in a violent and chaotic world where women have become infertile and where an oppressive government struggles to control the influx of refugees from around the world. Through his ex-wife (Julianne Moore - one of my favourite actresses) Theo unwillingly finds himself helping an African 'fugee', Kee, to escape from Britain. Director Alfonso Cuarón, one of the rising stars of the new Mexican cinema - see previous post (who directed "Y tu maman también" and more recently “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”) paints a grey and depressing portrait of an anarchic Britain. The script (based on PD James' novel) however is also not very clear. The film mixes government paranoia about illegal immigration with references to Islamic terrorism and the plot's central crisis of infertility, without providing any explanation to the links between them, but that could contribute to enhance the sense of chaos and disorientation. The power of the film is in the contrast between despair/chaos and hope in life. Particularly strong are the images of guns silenced by the sound of a crying baby. Hope is embodied by Kee and her baby, but also by other characters like the hippie played by Michael Caine.
Stars: ***/5

Citizenship: World's worst polluted places

Five out of the ten most polluted places on Earth are located in the ex-Soviet Union, according to NGO Blacksmith Institute. In Dzerzhinsk, for instance, a significant center of the Russian chemical manufacturing, the average life expectancy is 42 years for men and 47 for women. Until the end of the Cold War, the city was among Russia's principal production sites of chemical weapons.

Citizenship: Nuclear power - yes thanks?

Remember those campaigns against nuclear power in the eighties, promoted by the greens and environmentalists? The logo of those campaigns have long disappeared, and particularly after the Tchernobyl disaster, some countries have frozen or promised to dismantle their nuclear power networks (such as Sweden).

So where are we today? What is the situation? Energy has become strategic, ensuring global power to energy producers over those energy-dependent countries, like the US, Europe, Japan or China. These dependent countries have developed different strategies to secure their energy, China for instance is investing in Africa and deveoppling aid to many developping countries in exchange for energy deliveries. The US have different stategies which seem not to be working very well (oil production in Iraq bellow befor-the-war levels). And where does Europe stand?
Europe faces different challenges. Firstly it is necessary to reduce CO2 emissions to reduce the green house effect. Secondly, with the reduction of its reserves of natural gas and oil Europe will have to rely increasingly on imports of natural gas and oil from unstable regions (and from authoritarian regimes) such as Russia, Algeria, the Middle East. And these resources are also not eternal. And contribute to increase CO2 emissions. The tendency is to increase the number of coal plants to produce energy, but which contribute heavily to CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, according to specialists, Europe faces the growing threat of electricity shortages because growth in demand has outstripped investment in new power stations. Analysts predict posible power shortfalls as early as in winter 2006. Russian gas exports to Europe will grow no more than 25 percent and will not surpass 200 billion cu. before 2016, a report of the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies (OIES) says. Russia is unable to cover a growing energy demand of Europe, and as soon as in 2010 the European Union could face a gas shortage. Presently Europe imports some 50% of its energy needs, in 2030 it should be around 75%.
This weekend's Finland summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the European Union leaders was intended to be a friendly and informal affair. Instead, following recent attacks on democracy and freedom of speech in Russia, Europeans are increasingly suspicious of Russian behaviour, yet fear that their energy dependency on Russia leaves them no cards to play. Energy is an essential EU's strategic concern, but human rights groups and members of the European Union and the various national parliaments have mobilized considerable pressure for the EU leaders to make clear their growing alarm at Russia's trend toward authoritarian rule.
In this context Europe has all interest in increasing internal energy & electricity production to a maximum, reducing external dependency. So which are the alternatives? Coal is not a clean alternative and also not a renewable one, although coal resources will last longer than oil and gas ones. Renewable energies should be the first alternative. The EU has been promoting an action plan to improve production of energy from renewable sources from 6% in 2000 to 12% by 2010. But not all countries are equally engaged in that process. Denmark, Germany and Spain have invested heavily in wind power (Portugal also lately). Germany is the world’s 1st wind power producer and Spain is already the second. Yet, wind power production is not enough to cover increasing energy demand. Its energy production makes up less than 1% of world-wide electricity use. However it accounts for 23% of electricity use in Denmark, 8% in Spain and 4.3% in Germany. Globally, wind power generation more than quadrupled between 1999 and 2005.
Solar photovoltaic energy has also developed (namely in Spain) but it remains marginal. The production of biodiesel and bioethanol has been increasing as well and it is an alternative to oil products, because they also do not produce CO2. The EU is developing actions so that biodiesel and bioethanol used by cars will reach 6% by 2010 and 20% by 2020. Yet the production of such fuels from agriculture products and waste requires too large areas to be cultivated and also has its production and transport costs. And that also means huge subventions to the agriculture. Presently only Sweden has reached the 6% objective, while Germany is the first bioethanol producer and Spain the first biodiesel producer. But that could be a serious alternative, considering that transport is one of the most important producers of CO2. Brazil is a good example, nowadays between 40 and 50% of its cars and trucks work on bioethanol from sugarcane.

However, energy production from these and other renewable energy sources, even with increased production, will not be able to meet the demand in Europe and replace decreasing oil and gas resources. So the question is whether nuclear power can be an alternative. Countries like Finland have already started building up new nuclear power plants while others are considering it (even Portugal is debating the construction of a first nuclear power plant). In Britain Prime Minister Tony Blair has given his strongest signal that he backs the building of a new generation of nuclear power stations in the UK. He said Britain faced the prospect of being largely reliant on foreign gas imports for its future energy needs and that nuclear could be an alternative. Presently France is the first world producer, with nearly 80% of it’s electricity production coming from uranium. In Belgium it accounts for 55%, 30% in Germany, nearly 30% in Finland and 22% in Spain. In the US it represents less than 20% of electricity production as well as in the UK.

Some argue that nuclear power is very clean and safe nowadays, without producing CO2 emissions (others argue that Uranium treatment produces CO2 and that uranium is not a renewable source). Opponents say that nuclear power requires massive public aid and is therefore too expensive and that disposal of nuclear waste is also very expensive. They prefer to invest in improving energy efficiency and in renewable energy sources. They claim that in Britain, for instance, replacing nuclear power plants by gas and coal ones would “only” increase CO2 emissions by 4% to 8%. Those in favour of nuclear say that between the only two alternatives, coal and nuclear, this is by far the best less polluting choice and that costs are not as high as its detractors claim. I say that Finland is reputed to be a very well managed country and a country which thrives to make the best sustainable management of its resources. Clearly they should be a good example to consider.

The bottomline is that Europe (and the world) is facing a real energy policy challenge in the coming years. With decreasing own gas and oil resources, with increasing oil prices and dependency from unstable and unreliable markets, Europe has all the interest in securing its production of energy and electricity and reducing its energy dependency. We all have our share to play in this, by reducing energy consumption, by using public transports. And by supporting our governments to make the best choices.
Read more:

Citizenship: Is Civilization doomed ?

The 10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed website was started by six friends who came to the conclusion that our civilization was doomed. They felt “this way not because of the inevitable dimming of our sun, or an errant asteroid, but rather because of the idiocy of our times”. They “are tired of the fake optimism, superficiality, non-talented celebrities, doped-up athletes, dishonest and illiterate politicians, corporate thieves, wife-beaters and evangelical terrorists rampant in the world today and we decided that one way of making ourselves feel better would be to list them for all the world to see and to add upon.”

The website lists the different reasons provided by people everywhere and the objective is to speak against the idiocy and stupidity of our times. For the moment nearly 5,000 reasons have been gathered by the site, such as Paris Hilton, self-tanning products, plastic bags, Ben Laden and G. W. Bush (you bet!), McDonalds, female circumcision, arrogance, Myspace, the iPod slaves and even… lists. Check out for yourselves and make a contribution…

Politics: Human rights & democracy in Russia

Western human rights groups will have to stop work in Russia as almost 100 foreign NGOs fail deadline to legal registration. Russian authorities are forcing almost 100 foreign non-governmental organizations, including leading human rights groups, like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to suspend their operations for failing to meet the deadline for re-registration under a tough new law. Many of those NGOs have been persistent critics of President Putin, and some accused the Russian authorities of deliberately wanting to silence them. Kim Reed, an NGO lawyer advising several foreign groups, told the Associated Press thursday that Russian Registration Services were creating constant difficulties impeaching NGOs to become legal - "It appears that if you are an organization involved in human rights or democracy activities then your application gets much harsher scrutiny. Even if you are not sending police and court bailiffs to shut down their office, by not registering them, you are effectively doing that" - she said.

Putin has warned foreign-financed NGOs against interfering in domestic politics. Many of these organisations have accused him of attacking democracy and freedom of the press since he took office in 2000. The U.S. State Department on Wednesday also urged Russia to allow NGOs to continue operating. The European Union and Western governments have repeatedly “expressed concern” about the NGO law since it was adopted in April and which has imposed strict limits on all NGOs and especially Russian ones (as if “concern” would solve anything...). Russian NGOs face even more controls under the law, which allows authorities to ban financing of specific NGOs or projects if they are judged to threaten the country's national security or “morals”. It seems the law has already been used by prosecutors who successfully petitioned a court to order the closure last week of a Russian rights group critical of government's conduct in Chechnya, according to AP.

This situation comes at a time when people who defend human rights and the freedom of speech like journalist Anna Politkovskaïa have been murdered. And at the same time as Russia has launched a campaign against Georgia for taking a pro-western approach.

Meanwhile, what do western leaders and the European Union do? Apparently very little, apart from producing nice speeches and making nice requests for democracy and human rights… Anyway, nothing new under the sun… economic interests and lack of leadership will continue to guide politics in Europe (and beyond). Hypocrisy goes global.

Lifestyle: the first "marroni"

Comes October, comes chestnut time... this week I tasted the first "marroni" in Brussels. Nothing to do with those "castanhas assadas" from Portugal... but good enough for a taste of the real thing... Soon I'll be able to taste those sold in the streets in Portugal. This year I will enjoy the St Martin summer "in situ", late October, early November. Time for "castanhas" and to try the new wine. Hopefully under those autumn rays of light...

18 octobre 2006

Development: Food emergency in 40 countries

The FAO’s latest assessment shows that 40 countries are facing food emergencies and require external assistance. The most pressing humanitarian problem remains the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan. The already precarious food supply situation may worsen if deteriorating security disrupts the main harvest due to start in the coming few weeks. The situation may deteriorate also due to negative prospects for the 2006 world cereal harvest. Exceptionally hot and dry weather is adversely affecting the wheat crops in Australia, Argentina and Brazil, while drier-than-normal weather in parts of South Asia is also raising some concern for the second 2006 crop. Some of these situations may be considered the result of climate change.

Development: the myth of bio products?

En s'attaquant au "mythe des produits bio", le magazine new- yorkais BusinessWeek jette le doute sur un marché en plein boom aux Etats-Unis, et aussi en Europe d'ailleurs. Il y a quatre ans, un label "USDA Organic" a été mis sur le marché : les ventes ont aussitôt explosé. Mais ce succès a un coût, la mise en péril des idéaux initiaux des tenants du bio. Le magazine en donne pour exemple le yaourt Stonyfield, dont l'emballage représente une vache en train de paître dans une prairie verdoyante. Le message est clair : une vache en liberté garantit un produit sain, élaboré dans une exploitation familiale, loin de toute pression de l'industrie agroalimentaire.

Malheureusement, la réalité est parfois tout autre, atteste BusinessWeek. Ces yaourts Stonyfield sont produits dans une usine située près d'un aéroport, dans le New Hampshire. Et bientôt ils seront même produits à partir de lait "bio" néo-zélandais, réduit en poudre et acheminé par bateau aux Etats-Unis. Il semble que la firme importe aussi des fraises de Chine, de la purée de pommes de Turquie, des bananes d'Equateur... des pays pas forcément réputés pour leur respect de l'environnement et la protection de leurs travailleurs.
Donc, jusqu'à quel point peut on avoir confiance dans les "bio labels"? peut on avoir confiance dans les certificats de conformité, les contrôles de qualité? Ou s'aggit il encore une fois et tant seulement de nouveaux marchés pour des industries avides de recettes?

(lu dans Le Monde digital)

Development: patents in the world

The number of registered patents in the world has nearly doubled in ten years. Yet this is not happening in Europe, but due to the fast growth in Asia: WIPOs report (World Intellectual Property Organization). The growth was of 268 % in South Korea and 488 % in China. Europe is continuing to lag behind the US and Japan. And forget about Portugal's contribution, or even that of Spain, still not too bad in european terms.

17 octobre 2006

Citizenship: 300,000,000 North-Americans, is that sustainable?

Today (or tomorrow), the population of the United States of America became 300 millions. Difficult to know if that was due to the birth of a baby born somewhere in the midwest or an immigrant who just arrived the country, crossing the border illegally. Pitty that it is not possible to know, wrote the New York Times : "That’s too bad, because whoever it is should get a bouquet and a thank-you card. It should be signed by President Bush on behalf of a grateful nation that is buzzing with a youthful energy for which the aging powers of Europe would gladly trade their pension obligations. If the newcomer is an immigrant, he or she should also get an apology from Mr. Bush for the scarcity of worker visas, and a promise to get right on that problem. " And continues: "The US may habe big problems, but also 300 million reasons for hope". Usually, latinos are the most feared, but they are among those who continue to bring vitality to the country. As the article continues "if you take the longer view of our nation, you will see that it has been fed and nourished by immigrants, and has an iron stomach for seemingly undigestible newcomers".

The US is perhaps the only country in the developed world where the economy is being bolstered by a population that is growing at a good rate. Yet the problem lies elsewhere. If the US population is only of 300 million people, representing less than 5% of the globe's population, they consume some 25% of the Worlds's resources and are the causers of a large part of pollution, waste, CO2 emissions, etc. And by 2050 it is expected that the US will consume around one third of the planet's resources. That is what is scary. And unfair. The Independent asks whether The US' path of growth is sustainable. And concludes that "Until the (american) government gets serious about forcing manufacturers to produce these (more environmentally friendly) things, the age of the more rational American consumer will remain a distant prospect."

That is why Al Gore is maybe preaching in the desert... so maybe we'll have to wait for the day when Manhattan will be flooded, for some reaction... maybe not such a distant prospect after all.

Politics: war and death in Iraq

British magazine The Lancet has estimated, that, "as of July, 2006, there have been 654 965 excess Iraqi deaths as a consequence of the war, which corresponds to some 2·5% of the
population in the study area. Of post-invasion deaths, 601 027 (426 369–793 663) were due to violence, the most common cause being gunfire." President Bush has declared that such figures are not credible. Who should we believe, someone who has already lied about the real reasons and known facts to justify the invasion of Iraq or in a serious scientific estimate?

Meanwhile, the Iraqui Parliament adopted last 11 October by simple majority, a law creating a federal state. If the shiites (some 65% of the population) have approved the law, sunnis fear that federalism will further isolate their regions, located mostly to the west of the country.

Citoyenneté: BookMooch, échanges de livres

BookMooch est une communauté d'échange de livres à l'échelle mondiale!

Cette récente base de données, qui a été créée par un éditeur de musique anglais, est à la fois accessible en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais! L'idée est simple : se débarrasser de livres qui végètent au grenier et les échanger pour d'autres lectures. Le principe repose sur un système de points via une inscription préalable gratuite. Ainsi, donner un livre à un participant d'un autre pays rapporte 3 points, tandis que chaque livre acquis coûte 1 point. Une seule condition au bon déroulement du troc: au moins un livre doit être envoyé pour cinq reçus. L'idée me semble géniale! Pourquoi pas faire le même avec des Cds? des disques en vinyl?... Allez y! Echangez!

(vu dans Le Monde digital)

Citizenship: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

In 1992 the General Assembly of the UN declared 17 October as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, to be observed beginning in 1993. It noted that activities undertaken with respect to the Day will take into account those undertaken each 17 October by certain non-governmental organizations and invited all States to devote the Day to presenting and promoting, as appropriate in the national context, concrete activities on the eradication of poverty and destitution. The General UN Assembly also invited intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to assist States in organizing activities in that Day. The Day seeks to promote increased awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and serves to remind all people that sustained and concerted effort is vital to achieve the millennium development goals (MDG) of halving the number of people living in poverty by 2015. The theme for the International day for poverty eradication in 2006 is "Working Together out of Poverty".

In the EU, the Finnish presidency organised in Tampere the fifth European round table on poverty and social exclusion, which started yesterday.

This year marks fourteen years for the eradication of poverty. The story of the day goes back to October 17, 1987, when about 100,000 defenders of human rights gathered together on the Trocadero Plaza in Paris to honour victims of hunger, violence, and ignorance, to express their rejection of extreme poverty, and to call on mankind to unite to ensure the respect of human rights.

On October 15&16, people across the world stood up to remind Governments of this promise. STAND UP is an organisation, part of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty month of mobilization around The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP).

For further information or to help, check the following:

en français:

13 octobre 2006

Citizenship: Ban Ki-moon et l'esprit de l'ONU

Incarner l'ONU
LE MONDE | 13.10.06

© Le Monde.fr

12 octobre 2006

Citizenship: Entretien de Al Gore au Le Monde

Citizenship: souvenir pour guérir

Dance & arts: David Hockney's portraits in London

The National Portrait Gallery (Wolfson and Ground Floor Galleries) exhibits a retrospective of David Hockney's (one of my favourite painters) portraits until 21 January 2007.
"Produced in close collaboration with the artist, this is the first exhibition devoted to David Hockney's portraits spanning over fifty years. This celebrated artist has been engaged with portraiture since his teenage years. Self-portraits and portraits of family, lovers, friends and well-known subjects represent an intimate visual diary of his life and artistic preoccupations."

Cinema: Brussels - Festival of new British cinema

"2005 saw the third image a nation festival take up residence in Brussels’ BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, where audiences were treated to eight new independent UK films never before screened in Belgium. Five of these were debut features, made by and featuring a new generation of UK trailblazers, while the likes of Yes, directed by Sally Potter, and festival opener Separate Lies, starring Emily Watson and Tom Wilkinson and directed by Oscar-winner Julian Fellowes, boasted the cream of established UK talent.
In 2006 the festival image a nation will continue to reside at BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, who will work in partnership with the British Council on this year's festival.
image a nation 06 will take place from 24 to 30 October at BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, 23 rue Ravensteinstraat, 1000 Brussels.

Citizenship: violence against homosexuals

A homosexual is murdered every two days in Latin America due to his sexual orientation, specially in Brazil, Mexico and Peru, according to a report presented in Barcelona by the director of the International Gays and Lesbians Association (IGLA), Stephens Barris, as
reported by Spanish newspaper El Pais. Also, in 32 countries, artificial insemination is prohibited to lesbians or reserved to married women, with the permission of the husband. In addition to the social persecution which they suffer in some places, homosexuals continue being punished by their sexual orientation in 86 countries and capital punishment to homosexuals is still applied in Tchechnia, Sudan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Iran and in some zones of Nigeria and Somalia.

Segun informa El Pais, "Un homosexual es asesinado cada dos días en América Latina, según un informeAdemás, en 32 países la inseminación asistida está prohibida a las lesbianas o reservada a mujeres casadas con el permiso del marido."

Citizenship: the UN reports on violence against women

On 10 October 2006, painting a grim picture of the extent of violence against women in all parts of the world, senior United Nations officials urged everyone to fully support Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s recent in-depth study on the problem, which lays out legislative and other recommendations to combat the scourge.

One out of three women is a victim of violence at least once in their life, according to the UN's report published yesterday and which is a world-wide phenomenon. The surveys carried out in 71 countries indicate that an important % of women are victims of physical violence, psychological or sexual abus. The report says that physical violence is mostly inflicted by the sexual partner. It indicates that the death of women is many times marked by sexual violence. It is estimated thatbetween 40 and 70% of the women deceased in Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States are murdered by the husband or friend. In Colombia, in average, every week a woman is killed by her husband or ex-husband. Hundreds of women have been kidnapped, raped and murdered in the city of Juarez, in the north of Mexico. The report equally makes reference to the genital mutilations suffered by some 130 million girls in the world, mainly in the African continent. Violence on women has sometimes a sexual character in times of armed conflicts and the UN estimates that during the genocide in Ruanda, in 1994, between 250,000 and 500,000 women were violated and between 20,000 and 50,000 other women suffered the same during the conflict in Bosnia, in the beginning of the nineties.

“Violence against women as the report says is not a characteristic of some countries… it’s really a global problem that has to be addressed. According to the quantitative estimates, which certainly underestimate the amount of violence that occurs, at least one out of three women experienced violence at some stage in their lives,” said Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs José Antonio Ocampo at a joint press conference in New York.

read further:

11 octobre 2006

Music: 8 years of Lux

Lisbon's best club will soon celebrate 8 years of nightlife & partying. As "Footprintguides" describes it, "Excruciatingly cool Lux is the epitome of Lisbon style". Lux is a bar-lounge-club, the brainchild of Lisbon's nightlife guru (and not only, he also owns restaurant Bica do Sapato) Manuel Reis. It is also said that it is partly owned by Hollywood actor John Malkovich. In any case, if you are able to make it past the selective but cool doormen (and women) you will enjoy Lisbon's hippest club and some say one of Europe's most fashionable, having attracted visiting stars like Cameron Diaz, Prince and Madonna. It has a spacious interior decorated with funky and retro furniture - the first lounge floor has funky 1960s and 1970s furniture and plays an eclectic rock and pop mix. Downstairs, from 0200 the young fashion crowd dance to excellent music ranging from house to electro, funk & hip hop delivered by top-class DJs like Rui Vargas, Yen Sung and DJ Vibe. Best of all is the cool balcony in the lounge floor overlooking the river and the breezy cocktail terrace with beautiful views. If you have the chance, don't miss the sunrise.

Each year in November Lux throws its yearly anniversary party which is one of the best nightlife events in Lisbon, they say. Lux organises many great parties (such as New Year's party - I remember a great masks-party a couple of years ago) with great DJs and regular invites guest DJs and musicians for live sets, coming to perform from all over Europe (and beyond).

Avenida Infante D. Henrique - Santa Apolonia - Lisbon
Telephone: +351 218 820 890
opening hours: M- Sat 6pm-7am

Escreve Eduardo Prado Coelho no Publico:
"É um lugar já mítico da vida portuguesa, sobretudo lisboeta, mas mencionado com frequência nas revistas e guias internacionais. E é algo que se deve a essa personagem extraordinária que transformou as noites portuguesas, e estou-me a referir a Manuel Reis. Parece que John Malkovitch anda por dentro de algumas destas iniciativas, em particular a Bica do Sapato e o Lux - mas isso é sobretudo uma razão de frisson para as mulheres portuguesas. Por mim, trata-se fundamentalmente de um actor extraordinário, capaz de imensas transfigurações, e que se terá apaixonado por Portugal.O Lux festeja agora o 8.º aniversário, embora venha na linha directa de um Frágil que hoje se desossificou. O convite é um modelo de invenção, de realização algo complexa. Traz um DVD com uma montagem de imagens de filmes de Fellini e Almodóvar (tema da noite)." (...)

Development: Intermón Oxfam analyses 50 years of development and disparities in the world

According to the Spanish non-governmental organization Intermon Oxfam, the number of poor people in the planet has diminished during the last 50 years, yet it has increased by 140 million in sub-Saharan Africa. In the coming years, one out of three youth in black Africa will not have an employment. The NGO is organizing an international conference in Madrid to promote the fight against poverty.

Read further:

Citizenship: 10 October International day against capital punishment

According to Amnisty International, in 2005, 94% of the world’s 2.148 executions (in 22 countries) took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the USA. More than 20,000 people are still condemned to death throughout the world. These figures are however only approximate which is due to the secrecy linked to the death penalty. Many governments, such as China’s, refuse to publish official data about executions, Vietnam has even declared such statistics a secret of state.

On 30 November 1786, the Great Duchy of Tuscany (Italy) was the first territory to abolish the death penalty. In 1849, the Roman Republic (which didn't last long) became the first country to ban the capital punishment in its constitution. Venezuela abolished the death penalty in 1863 and Portugal did so in 1867 - for all crimes except military - however the last execution in Portugal had taken place in 1846. The ban was extended to all crimes in 1976. Many western countries only abolished it some years ago, in the seventies and eighties. In the United States, the state of Michigan was the first state to ban the death penalty, in 1847. The 160-year ban on capital punishment has never been repealed. Currently, 12 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia ban capital punishment.

Nowadays capital punishment is no longer applied in the majority of countries: 88 countries have abolished it for all crimes. Eleven others reserve the right to apply it for exceptional crimes such as war crimes. To those 99 States, we can add 30 countries, considered by Amnesty International as "de facto abolitionists", since they have not applied capital punishment for ten years at least, even if it is still foreseen in their laws. One of those countries is Morocco where abolitionists are putting pressure to the government to chance the law – no execution has taken place there for 13 years. Since 1990, the abolitionist cause has progressed significantly, 40 countries having banned capital punishment.

At the same time, the use of the death penalty against child offenders –under 18 at the time of the crime – is clearly prohibited under international law, yet a handful of countries persist with child executions. Since January 1990 Amnesty International has documented 46 executions of child offenders in eight countries– the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the USA, China and Yemen. The USA carried out 19 executions – more than any other country. During the same period, several countries raised to 18 the minimum age for application of the death penalty, in accordance with international law. Yemen and Zimbabwe raised the minimum age to 18 in 1994, as did China in 1997 and Pakistan in 2000. One sad example is that of Napoleon Beazley, a boy who was executed in 2002 in Texas for a murder committed eight years earlier when he was 17 years old. At the trial the white prosecutor described him as an “animal” in front of the all-white jury. Witnesses at the trial cited his potential for rehabilitation. He was a model prisoner.

Read further:

Dance+Arts: Think geek!

Sure, you love music, but do you love music?

10 octobre 2006

Citizenship: L'humanité a déjà épuisé ses ressources naturelles pour 2006

Citoyenneté: La peine de mort divise le monde

La peine de mort divise le monde
LE MONDE | 10.10.06

© Le Monde.fr

News | Nouveautés | Novidades !!!

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Maintenant c'est + facile de consulter mon blog, vous pouvez aller directement au thème de votre choix: musique, cinema, politique, citoyenneté, dance & arts, développement, voyages... faites "click" sur un thème de votre choix dans la partie droite du blog.
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Agora fica mais fácil ler o meu blog e consultar os "posts", agrupados por temas: música, cinema, política, cidadania, dança & artes, desenvolvimento, viagens... basta clicar num tema (categoria) da tua escolha, na parte direita do blog.
... e agora também podes ouvir música seleccionada, graças a Tunefeed (ver a caixa na parte direita do blog)!

09 octobre 2006

Cinema: Festival d'Attac de Bruxelles

L’automne est la saison des festivals de cinéma, et voilà le FESTIVAL de CINEMA d’ATTAC qui a lieu à Bruxelles, pour la septième fois. Du 4 au 14 octobre 2006, au Botanique, une semaine de cinéma alternatif, qui dérange et qui pose des questions, de débats pour échanger des idées et pour se rencontrer et découvrir des alternatives au monde d'aujourd'hui.

Politique: L'assassinat d'Anna Politkovskaïa

08 octobre 2006

Music: the tracklist issue August/Sept/October

Albums of the month:
Charlotte Gainsbourg
(5:55) – understated class and bonheur auditif
Fuckpony (Children of love) – revival electro new wave gay trash
In Flagranti (Wronger than anyone else) – fresh - electroclash – house from NY
Scissor Sisters (Ta-Dah) – even better than 1st cd, fresh re-start, glamour disco-funk
The Presets (Beams) – “spazzzdancefagrock”, dancefloor rock from Australia via Gigolo Münich
The Rapture (
Pieces of the People we love) – great funk-rock from NY, and they’re excellent on stage!

Track of the month: Danton Eeprom - Les amants robotiques

Other tracks of the months:
CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy) - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above
Derrick L. Carter, Dixon, Henrik Schwarz & Âme
- Where We At (Version 1)
Ferry Corsten & Simon Le Bon – Fire
Fuckpony - Ride The Pony
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy (Richard Vission Remix)
Heidi vs. Riton - Vejer (Jesse Rose Remix)
In Flagranti - Reputation Or Notoriety ?
Jimpster - A Love Like This (Hipp-e Remix)
Junior Boys - In the Morning
Kaskade - Be Still (Extended)
Kudu - Bar Star (In Flagranti's Sleek City Mix)
Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch (Catholic Version)
Lily Allen – Smile
Linus Loves – Night music
Lo-Fi-Fnk - Wake Up (Justus Köhncke Remix)
Maral Salmassi – Love Forever
Marc Romboy & Tommie Sunshine - Body Jack (DJ Delicious Remix)
Mekon feat. Alan Vega & Boby Gillespie - Blood On the Moon (In Flagranti Remix)
Michael Mayer - Lovefood
Michoacan - michoacan Galactic
Mike Monday – Zum Zum
Peace Division & Pleasant Gehman - Blacklight Sleaze (Featuring Pleasant Gehman)
Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks (Punks Jump Up - Special Disco Mix)
Robbie Williams - Rudebox (Soul Mekanik Extended Mix)
Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (Erol Alkan's Carnival of Light Rework)
Sissy - Can't Save You
Spirit Catcher - Galactik Flies
Teki Latex - Disco Dance With You (Para One Remix)
Track 72 – Monument
Vitalic featuring Linda Lamb – Bells
Wonderland Avenue - White Horse (Frank J - Radio Edit)

Other suggestions of new Cds:
Alexkid (Caracol), Alias & Tarsier (Plane That Draws A White Line), Beck (The information), Box Codax - aka Nick Mccarthy of Franz Ferdinand (Only an orchard away), Brightblack Morning Light (Everybody Daylight), Cirkus feat. Neneh Cherry (Laylow), Collectors series pt.2 (Danse, gravité zéro by Kaos & Sal P.), Compil by Innervisions (Where we at), Compil “Shapes” by Truthoughts & Zebra traffic, Dani Siciliano (Slappers), Darkel - one of Air's 2 – (Darkel), Girl Monster (Girl Monster –various), Gswing (Swing for modern clubbing – various), Hypnolove (Eurolove), Junior Boys (So this is goodbye), Justin Timberlake (Futuresex/Lovesounds), Justine Electra (Soft rock), Klanguage feat. Yuksek (Klanguage), LatenightTales (mixed by Air), Marsmobil (Minx), Maximilian Hecker (I'll be a virgin, I'll be a mountain), Minerale (Shrines), Mixed by Gorge ( Elektromat, various), Novatunes 1.4 (compil Nova 1.4), Stijn (The world is happy now), The DFA remixes (Chapter 2), The Isles (Perfumed lands), The whitest boy alive, aka Erlend Oye (Dreams).

Still in my plates:
Boogybytes (Vol. 2 mixed by Sascha Funke), Cassius (15 again), El Perro del Mar (El Perro del Mar), Exit Music: songs with Radio Heads (various play Radioheads), Fujiya Miyagi (Transparent things), Juan Trip (Consolation), Lawrence (The night will last forever), Lotterboys (Animalia), Louderbach (Enemy love), Markus Guentner (Lovely society), Maximilian Hecker (Rose), Min2Max, compil by Minus, Namosh (Moccatongue), Permanent Vacation, compil., Peter von Poehl (Going to where the tea trees are), Peter, Bjorn & John (Writer's block), Psapp (The only thing I ever wanted), R. Dorfmeister vs Madrid de los Austrias (Grand Slam), Scsi-9 (The line of 9), Thom Yorke (The Eraser), Thomas Dybdahl (One day you'll dance for me, New york City), Total 7 – Kompakt compil, Zero 7 (The garden).

06 octobre 2006

Citizenship: Hungary celebrates 50 years of the Revolution

"Je ne suis pas de ceux qui souhaitent que le peuple hongrois prenne à nouveau les armes dans une insurrection vouée à l’écrasement, sous les yeux d’une société interntionale qui ne lui ménagera ni applaudissements, ni larmes vertueuses, mais qui retournera ensuite à ses pantoufles comme font les sportifs de gradins, le dimanche soir, après un match de coupe. (...) La Hongrie vaincue et enchaînée a plus fait pour la liberté et la justice qu’aucun peuple depuis vingt ans. Mais, pour que cette leçon atteigne et persuade en Occident ceux qui se bouchaient les oreilles et les yeux, il a fallu et nous ne pourrons nous en consoler, que le peuple hongrois versât à flots un sang qui sèche delà dans les mémoires." Albert Camus, 1957

Hungary celebrates this October 2006, 50 years of the revolution against the communist regime (a revolt from 23 October to 10 November 1956). But on November 4, Soviet forces invaded, unleashed both artillery and airstrikes on Budapest, killed thousands of civilians, and had crushed all organised resistance by 10 November. An estimated 200,000 Hungarians fled as refugees. By January 1957 the new Soviet-sponsored regime had suppressed all public opposition.

To celebrate the revolt, from 11 to 17 October an hungarian film festival will take place at the Cinema Arenberg, presenting seven hungarian films. In parallel a special celebration will take place in the Grand Place in Brussels, on 14 October, from 17.00, with music, animation etc. At the Institut Culturel de l'Ambassade d'Hongie (10, rue Treurenberg, 1000 Bruxelles), a photo exhibition will also be shown, between 18/10 and 17/11.

read further:

Music: The Rapture, concert in Brussels

Propelled to the front scene by Tim Goldsworthy and James Murphy of the label DFA (previous Death From Above), The Rapture brought out a first great album in 2003, "Echoes" with hits like "House of Jealous lovers" or "I need your love". Influenced by groups such as Radio 4 or LCD Sound System, these New Yorkers created a very personal style, a particular mix of rock, electro, punk post and funk… the whole blessed with Luke Jenner's unique voice. Today, they come to Brussels to present their new album at the Botanique, "Pieces of the people we love", which just came out and which I consider to be even better than the first one. The concert is part of their world tour, which does not include Lisbon.

Cinema: "An Inconvenient Truth", par Davis Guggenheim

Avec Une vérité qui dérange, Davis Guggenheim (qui a fait "Urgences" et "24 heures chrono") signe un documentaire engagé qui va peut être bouleverser notre conception de l'environnement. À travers la présentation de données obtenues scientifiquement et d'images choc sur le réchauffement climatique se dévoilent le parcours personnel de l'ancien Vice-président des Etats-Unis - Al Gore, qui vient en personne introduire ce film et poursuivre à Bruxelles son nouveau grand combat contre l'effet de serre. Si Guggenheim ne nous épargne rien des conséquences apocalyptiques de notre mode de vie, il ne s'en délecte pas. Une vérité qui dérange prouve qu'il nous appartient encore de sauver notre avenir. Le film sera précédé d'un entretien avec Al Gore. Malheureusement, il ne restent plus de places...
