11 octobre 2006

Music: 8 years of Lux

Lisbon's best club will soon celebrate 8 years of nightlife & partying. As "Footprintguides" describes it, "Excruciatingly cool Lux is the epitome of Lisbon style". Lux is a bar-lounge-club, the brainchild of Lisbon's nightlife guru (and not only, he also owns restaurant Bica do Sapato) Manuel Reis. It is also said that it is partly owned by Hollywood actor John Malkovich. In any case, if you are able to make it past the selective but cool doormen (and women) you will enjoy Lisbon's hippest club and some say one of Europe's most fashionable, having attracted visiting stars like Cameron Diaz, Prince and Madonna. It has a spacious interior decorated with funky and retro furniture - the first lounge floor has funky 1960s and 1970s furniture and plays an eclectic rock and pop mix. Downstairs, from 0200 the young fashion crowd dance to excellent music ranging from house to electro, funk & hip hop delivered by top-class DJs like Rui Vargas, Yen Sung and DJ Vibe. Best of all is the cool balcony in the lounge floor overlooking the river and the breezy cocktail terrace with beautiful views. If you have the chance, don't miss the sunrise.

Each year in November Lux throws its yearly anniversary party which is one of the best nightlife events in Lisbon, they say. Lux organises many great parties (such as New Year's party - I remember a great masks-party a couple of years ago) with great DJs and regular invites guest DJs and musicians for live sets, coming to perform from all over Europe (and beyond).

Avenida Infante D. Henrique - Santa Apolonia - Lisbon
Telephone: +351 218 820 890
opening hours: M- Sat 6pm-7am

Escreve Eduardo Prado Coelho no Publico:
"É um lugar já mítico da vida portuguesa, sobretudo lisboeta, mas mencionado com frequência nas revistas e guias internacionais. E é algo que se deve a essa personagem extraordinária que transformou as noites portuguesas, e estou-me a referir a Manuel Reis. Parece que John Malkovitch anda por dentro de algumas destas iniciativas, em particular a Bica do Sapato e o Lux - mas isso é sobretudo uma razão de frisson para as mulheres portuguesas. Por mim, trata-se fundamentalmente de um actor extraordinário, capaz de imensas transfigurações, e que se terá apaixonado por Portugal.O Lux festeja agora o 8.º aniversário, embora venha na linha directa de um Frágil que hoje se desossificou. O convite é um modelo de invenção, de realização algo complexa. Traz um DVD com uma montagem de imagens de filmes de Fellini e Almodóvar (tema da noite)." (...)

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