17 août 2006

Politics: Is a Democratic Wave Building in the US?

According to recent surveys in the US, a Democratic wave may be building that will sweep Republicans out of a House majority in November. To the question "if the congressional election were held today, would you vote for the Democratic candidate in your district or the Republican candidate?", the margin of 13.4 percent that showed Democrats ahead six months ago, has now increased to some 18 percent in some polls. And surveys have been showing a considerable Democratic advantage for more than a year and are in line with other questions testing the mood of the electorate like presidential and congressional job approval ratings and right direction/wrong track numbers.

Right now, President Bush's average job approval number in the polls cited by the Washington Post's blog is only 36 percent while his average disapproval is 58 percent! The average approval rating for Congress is even smaller - 29.6 percent and its disapproval is 62.3 percent. Approximately 26 percent of those tested in the surveys mentioned are satisfied with the direction of the country while a whopping 69 percent are dissatisfied!
To me these figures come as no surprise… They just come a bit late..
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