05 janvier 2006

Is Argentina the promised land?

A friend had told me that the population in Argentina is mainly from three backgrounds, spanish, italian and jewish (from central and eastern Europe). Or that an argentinian is basically an italian who speaks spanish and believes he is french... Well... there seems to be some true to all that... (not forgetting all the other communities here of course, like german, welsh, french, greek, armenian, arabic - remember Menem? - and even portuguese in Patagonia). One sees a lot of jewish names here, many notices in newspapers of deaths from the jewish community, many donours at the MALBA (Museum of Modern latin-american art) of BsAs were jewish, and they seem to be very well represented in the economy, owning some big companies. Even yesterday, the telepheric (?) belonged to a foundation of a jewish familly. And finally, I heard many people speaking hebrew in the streets of BsAs.

So it's not only the USA and NY, Argentina also seems to have been ellected as a promised land. And it is well promising, indeed.

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